"Il Douchebag." This is finer than 24-carat gold! 😂

Now, I respectfully differ ever-so-slightly about Lincoln -- the early Republican Party under Abe, Grant, and Garfield/Blaine was a bastion of industrial-nationalist, Hamiltonian egalitarianism (with its imperfections, of course, seeing Blaine in particular acquiesced to "yellow"-baiting racism to maintain Irish working-class support) that fought to destroy the British Empire's Slave Power global strangehold. I highly recommend checking out Anton Chaitkin's work if you haven't already, Sean -- this short read is one of his many great expositions: https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1993/eirv20n14-19930409/eirv20n14-19930409_030-masons_conspire_for_world_power.pdf

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I wasn't aware that FDR repeated Hoover's unfortunate decision to authorize firing on encamped veterans by the the Army.

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Yes, in the early '30s they fired on those marching, again. Promises promises promises, over and again. The promises remind me of the promises made to Revolutionary veterans regarding a place to live. At MSU they had on display the original surveyor's report on Michigan. The surveyor came to the conclusion that, because of the heavy undergrowth, weather, and mosquitoes that the land was only fit for veterans and their families (this being well after the original promises were made). If it were a promise to an officer, he probably would have been deeded vast tracts.

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