May 9Liked by Sean Griobhtha

Devastating round-up. Amazing how we Americans have been so blind to it all and the slow-motion takeover of our government by Zionist fascism. But it's all out in the open now.

The Electronic Intafada recently interviewed scholar Tony Greenstein about his book "Zionism During the Holocaust:The Weaponisation of Memory in the Service of State & Nation" (2022). Greensteinnwas raised in an orthodox Jewish family. The interview is amazing and really lays out the truth, context and effect Zionism has had on the world.

I posted a link to the interview recently: "How Zionists Collaborated With & Helped The Nazis In Germany: In Conversation With Jewish Scholar & Author Tony Greenstein"


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So sickening, so pervasive.....

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"The modern history of Zionism goes back to the mid-1800s. It continues further back into the Middle Ages." Wow, you really encapsulated the picture with *that* much precision, I must say. Indeed, the core Jesuitic, Masonic, and Kabbalistic origins stem to the occultic neo-Baalism of the Dark Ages; the Johannite Knights Templar tradition was ideologically carried by Rosicrucianism into the Jesuit Order and Masonic societies... the Anglo-Masonic forces then created (along with their Scottish Rite faction) B'nai B'rith, the Kabbalistic parent organization of the ADL.

And on the issue of Zionist terrorism and antisemitism, there's also the Baghdad synagogue bombings in 1950-51. Not to mention that embarrassing Lavon Affair.

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May 8Liked by Sean Griobhtha

Sean, I was just getting ready to go out and play ( at ) tennis, like a lot of people my mental and physical health is deteriorating, but I saw your post and I skimmed through it quickly, although I will save it to read carefully later, I don’t know who has the most antisemites, I do know few if any has made it ( cool again ) quite like Netanyahu, butcher boy Biden, and there counter Parts on the right, as I told a group of Jews on twitter when Counter attack, I said this game is different this time, things are going to get rough, do what you can for the People of Palestine and stay safe, they got kicked off twitter for burning down a synagogue or something, can’t really remember, maybe it was a Jewish school, but yeah, no one can expect the Zionist to simply stop, because they will not, as for your self if you are having doubts about good people of all stripes, non Jews or Jews and I’m not saying you are, but simply ride a bus to Vegas and ask any bookie what the odds are there being no good and decent Jews on planet earth, be sure to have a mathematician in tow so he can explain all of the zeros to you, of course there are good and decent Jews on planet earth, but as always, on behalf of The Wonderful People of Palestine, we must punch hard , and there is no rule book that Zionist care about, I really hope my quick read and response wasn’t too off base, but I got to get out side, I would make a joke about, will be wearing my brown tennis whites in support of women of every stripe but no time.

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deletedMay 9Liked by Sean Griobhtha
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He didn't actually believe that then. He has a mobster persona and a politician's hypocrisy. The idea of Donald Trump studying amuses me.

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