Praying For Slaughter
Religion’s Role in the American Empire
By Rubicon
17 August 2023; rev 26Sept24
The Kotzker sought to square the circle! people might say. But if this objection is valid, maybe we are all demented. For can one call our species sane when we remain unruffled in the face of mass murder, the fruit of mendacity, man-made agony without end?
Abraham Joshua Heschel — A Passion For Truth — The Kotzker Today
When you join the military in any aggressive country, you quickly find that god was invented to support the rich, powerful, and government predation. Bully propaganda is developed to initialize self-doubt: “Their are no atheists in foxholes!”; “God, guns, and ammunition!”; “Onward Christian Soldiers”; etc…
You fill out a form for dog tags (but when performing clandestine operations in another country, you never wear them). Dog tags contain your name, Social Security Number (which is used now for a service number), birth date, blood type, and religious affiliation. This last question is meant to provide you a religious figure to pray over you as you die, or in absentia, and to provide you with the proper headstone imagery. If you answer the question in the negative (for them), that you are an atheist, this is considered unacceptable, and followup questions are, “What church did you grow up in?”, or, “What religion are/were your parents?” If you negate that push, then it is not “Atheist” that is put on those tags, it is “Non-Denominational” (or ND); meant to confuse people into believing that you do have a god. It is taken for granted that you are mistaken because the government requires you to have a god (which entities number in the thousands – and all of them the one-true-god).
If you state that you are an atheist, then you join the ranks of “heathens” and “savages”; but they are still very happy to have you go and kill. It doesn’t matter if you’re fighting humans who may have the same god as you, the colonialist is ALWAYS right, the others are wrong, and Yahweh and Neo-Jesus require blood sacrifice, not mentioning the “Holy Spirit” (whatever the fuck that is) who can rape girls and make them pregnant.
As a Scout, I was required to make plans for slaughter and execute those plans. I was affiliated with CIA and Tactical Air Command assets, AC130H Spectre Gunships (you can just see it, can’t you, the socialist Rabbi from centuries ago calling for gunships to slaughter?).
From Iran to Central America I worked with those gunships, working my way through blood and fire. Before each mission the crews of these gunships would gather in a circle and pray for their success. My not participating in these rituals drew serious ire from some of the crews. I never ridiculed them (even if I wanted to), but my refusal to participate got me labeled as an unbeliever and not god-fearing. Fear of the lord is not wisdom, it’s only slavery to a false notion.
What were they asking from their god? Basically, success in slaughtering human beings, but, by all means, save themselves from anything untoward. They said many ridiculous things, but what they prayed for was an exact match for the prayers to the Babylonian Fire God in the days of Anu and Baal:
Let them die, but let me live!
Let them be put under a ban, but let me prosper!
Let them perish, but let me increase!
Let them be weak, but let me wax strong!
Under such tutelage it becomes close to impossible to free thought, and the soldier's curse tells you, via religion: “Theirs not to reason why. Theirs but to do or die.” Iranians are mostly Muslim, Central Americans mostly Catholic, and both are mostly brown.
I used to think every time they prayed, “What the fuck? You’re asking for permission to slaughter human beings.” Those crews never saw or faced their handiwork. Bodies still alive in excruciating pain, gasping for breath, shitting and peeing their pants as they feel the holes torn through their bodies (if they still have arms to move). So many holes and all of their blood emptied upon the ground. These crews felt no qualms in firing thousands of rounds from Gatling guns with red phosphorus tracers, or firing 105mm shells containing white phosphorus. I used to refer to them as a Guild, the Guild of No Guilt. Gatling guns going full blast sound like a demon spewing. The Spectre Gunship patch has a demon firing those guns.
If they had been on the ground, like I was, they would have been edified given the chance to feel guilt. I’m reminded of them every time I read another article about government employees at all levels pandering to Christians and Jews, and forcing the Ten Commandments into schools, court houses, and government buildings. Most of this force is applied, mostly by conservatives and church leaders; yet not a single one of those forcing this, government or civilian, can meet the challenge of those Commandments, nor do they even try; religion for them is a pathway to graft. Every one of them cheats on their spouse, steals (lives and property), covets, supports killing, etc…; and we know what clergy and government leaders like sexually (“grab ‘em by the pussy”). Who wants or needs their god (who most of them don’t even believe in) sanctioning this behavior? The real Jesus of Nazareth, of proletariat mind, would have rebuked them, perhaps whipped them again, and called them Pharisees and Sadducees (which are not terms of endearment).
If you remember your history, you’ll remember that Christians (and Jews) have slaughtered those in other religions. Zionists slaughter anyone, including Jews, for the sake of political Zionism. Christians have slaughtered thousands of other Christians for the sake of which creed is the true creed. The next time you’re praying, ask yourself what you’re praying for. If you believe in a god that slaughters, you’re living in the far distant past, and you can claim a merit badge for Ignorance.
For further reading, A Passion For Truth, by Abraham Joshua Heschel.
Sean Griobhtha (gree-O-tah) is a combat veteran. His latest book is X Rubicon: Crossing Life, Sex, Love, & Killing in CIA Proxy Wars: An indictment of US Citizens: ignorantia non excusat, which details the life of Rubicon (“2.5 years of Deception & Death; 40+ years of locking away Emotions & Truth”). It’s important that you read the Foreward (Vanguard); written by a highly intelligent woman with a heart of empathetic gold; she’ll bring you in gently, which neither Rubicon nor I would ever do.
Rubicon spent just under three years as a military Scout. During that time he was awarded the “AF Cross, 2 Silver Stars, 4 Bronze Stars, Defense Superior Service Medal, AF Good Conduct Medal, and the CIA Distinguished Service Medal” (ODNI). When he refused to kill further, he was stripped of these awards and was abandoned with his PTSD by the military and thrown away.
Read the Foreward (Vanguard) free at Substack. Learn more about the author and Rubicon at Substack and @seangriobhtha (FB). 40% discount available for book clubs, student groups, humanitarian groups, We Are Not Your Soldiers groups, Veterans for Peace groups, & more: Inquire at O.Griobhtha+XRubicon at gmail.